As we gather with friends and family on this thankful day: please remember the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Remember what we are giving thanks for this year. Before you indulge in all the trimmings and feast upon the many offerings, try this concept. The late honorable Edna Moseley (Aurora, Colorado’s first African American City Council Member) and her late husband, John Moseley (one of the Tuskegee Airmen), introduced me to this concept during Thanksgiving dinner at their home one year. After praying over the food, have each member at the table recite one thing they are thankful for this year. This became a tradition in our home, and I pray it becomes one in your home. I am thankful for the lessons and blessings all those who journeyed through my life imparted to me. I love and miss each of those individuals, especially during the holidays. I am thankful to the late Moseleys for introducing my family to this tradition. Enjoy your bounty, and be thankful for your time with family and friends today. Find nice ways to give thanks daily! Be Blessed, and don’t forget to take a beach stroll whether warm or cold; it is good for the soul!