As a little girl growing up on the Chesapeake Bay shores, hunting for eggs on Easter Sunday was a favorite activity. When I became a mother, this activity was shared with my son and now his sons.
Easter 2021 is special because now, the youngest grandson is 17-months. So, we will paint eggs to hide for him and his cousin to enjoy the same ritual. As I write this posting, my heart is a little heavy because so many kids coast-to-coast no longer have an opportunity to partake in this beautiful Easter ritual because their journeys were cut short due to this world’s woes. Little Lyric Chanel lost her battle with brain cancer last month, and my thoughts are with her family this Easter.
Hug your kids and grandkids, and cherish the moments spent with them this Easter Sunday because somewhere somebody in this world only has that memory etched on their heart.
Rest-in-Peace Lyric Chanel, we will hide some baby blue eggs just for YOU!

It’s a shore thang!