Everything about the sea is fascinating! Think about it, the sea provides food, enjoyment, beauty, a mode of transportation, minerals, and natural products for our daily skincare.
Osea is the appropriate name for my summer skincare regimen. This line provides “bioavailable formulas rich in the essences of the earth and ocean.” It feels and smells lovely and takes me to one of my favorite places every morning and evening, the sea.

The morning regimen consists of using a quarter size of Ocean Cleanser, a plant-based seaweed cleansing gel with lactic acid on my face, and gently scrubbing with a sea sponge. The Ocean Cleanser contains algae, cypress oil, jojoba seed oil, juniper leaf essential oil, and vegan fermented beet lactic acid. Then top it off with a spray of Sea Mineral Mist to tone the skin. Follow that up with a few dabs of Blemish Balm, which is great for oily skin and breakout-prone skin. This light moisturizer contains three types of seaweed, tree tea oil, and juniper and thyme essential oils. It gives my skin a matte dewy finish, which is divine.
The evening regimen consists of using the Ocean Cleanser, Sea Mineral Mist, and twice a week use the age-defying White Algae Mask to brighten my skin. The best part is you can leave the mask on overnight and wash off in the morning. The mask contains Mineral Peptides to firm and plump, Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate, and Resveratrol to brighten the skin. I love this mask!
Is your skin screaming for hydration? Reclaim your body glow with a concoction of seaweed and the luscious seed oils of acai, babassu, and passion fruit in a bottle of Undaria Algae Body Oil. Smooth this lavish oil all over your body for a beautiful sheen. It is non-greasy and packed with potent vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to boost a beautiful sheen. Follow up your oil splash with the silky sea mineral formula of Anti-Aging Body Balm, illuminating the skin and improving skin elasticity. It truly is “skincare powered by the sea!”
This regimen truly fuels my passion for the sea—give it a try at http://www.oseamalibu.com/.