Creating beautiful skin is still possible, even if you were not blessed with such at birth. The creation starts with taking care of the skin you are presently in at the moment. To do so requires little more than a natural fiber brush and good old elbow work.
Grab a natural fiber brush and brush your skin all over before showering or bathing in circles toward the heart. Avoid the tender areas around the breast. I use two brushes; one is short and the other possesses a long handle to completely reach the back area.
This kind of skin-brushing done daily is one of the simplest yet most effective treatments for lumpy thighs and hips, not to mention cheap.
Dry brushing does two things: (1) eliminates toxic waste through the surface of the skin, not only in one’s cellulite areas but over the entire body; and (2) stimulates lymphatic drainage all over the body.
After showering, slightly towel dry off and place a light oil like sesame, almond or if those are too expensive for your budget; use a plain organic extra virgin olive oil all over the body, So grab a natural fiber brush and get busy!