LOTS of people make a big deal about New Year’s Resolutions…but not me! 2020 finds me taking a new perspective on an old habit. This year, I am posting my resolutions during the first week of February versus the first day of January.
Most people make resolutions they have no intention of sticking to because they make the wrong resolutions. Losing 50 pounds when you have no intention of working out, eating healthy or giving up alcohol is a bust from the start.
So, what’s the solution? Take baby steps and commit to one or two major changes to institute in your life.
Here are two of my favorite resolutions for this year: gratitude and forgiveness. Adopt a habit of being grateful for everything in your life. Express gratitude for the people, objects, and things in your life, and discover how blessed you truly are on this realm. Second, be the bigger person and forgive all the people that have truly disappointed you in the past. Phone or write that individual and let them know exactly how they disappointed you and release it back into the universe. You never know, some individuals may not have realized that they offended you and attempt to right the wrong. Now the ball is in your court. Do what you wish with it but release the pain and anger. If two resolutions are too much, just pick one! Neither way, as Nike’s tagline goes, “Just Do It!”
Now, write those resolutions in a letter to yourself and file it away. At the close of 2020, open it and see how much you have accomplished. I bet it will be further than those old resolutions for sure.
Be well!